pesonal branding

Your competitive advantage must be perceivable, promotable, and something the market will pay for!

mibrand hub

Philip Kotler, who some call the father of modern marketing, defines competitive advantage as “a company’s ability to perform in one or more ways that competitors cannot or will not match.”

When it comes to YOUR personal competitive advantage, in the workplace, what is the ONE thing you do better than any of your peers?

This is the key differentiator that defines YOUR personal brand against all others. And according to Brian Tracy, your key differentiator “…must be perceivable, promotable, and something the market will pay for.”

Share your unique strengths in the comments and let’s celebrate what makes each of us stand out!

Leadership Launchpad

Join the Leadership Launchpad, an Exclusive online and App-based Vault of self-paced training videos and workbooks, live Q&A sessions and a private online community of like minded individuals on a similar journey, giving you a competive advantage over others in your industry when in comes to advancing your career.

Click here to learn more

Career Growth Game-Plan

Schedule a free 30-minute
“Career Growth Game-Plan” Call with me.

Together, we’ll review your Brand Assessment and discuss how we can potentially work together to elevate your career to the level you aspire to reach.


Click here to book a call

*The investment to work with me starts at £97 per month, up to £15,000 for personal one-to-one coaching