Discover why hard work alone won't propel your career forward...

career growth executive presence

Advancing your career requires more than just hard work; it demands making your presence known, especially to decision-makers. This invaluable advice was bestowed upon me during my early years as an Accountant.

Back then, I was the embodiment of a quiet, introverted church mouse, grappling with a colossal inferiority complex, and a severe lack of self-confidence and self-esteem. Admittedly, it was tough to accept this advice. Questions swirled in my mind: "How could I possibly establish a reputation for myself?" Internal doubts held me captive, hindering any progress.

However, a moment of clarity eventually arrived when I realized my aspirations and capabilities stretched beyond my current career. I decided to take a colossal leap of faith by transitioning from Accountancy to a Financial Recruitment Consultant – a move that raised many eyebrows.

Check out my TEDx Talk on YouTube - where I invite you to “Show Up, Step Up & Speak Up!”

Picture this: I lacked self-assurance, perpetually feeling overshadowed by those around me, and willingly accepted a 50% pay cut while navigating the complexities of purchasing my first home. The reactions from my parents, managers, colleagues, and friends ranged from disbelief to outright discouragement. Most deemed my decision to be irrational and advised me to stick to Finance.

Yet, against all odds, I emerged as the top biller in my first year, surpassing seasoned consultants. My self-confidence skyrocketed by an astounding 1000%, demonstrating that I had underestimated my own potential. It became evident that when I believed in myself, remarkable things unfolded.

Those two years in Recruitment proved to be the turning point in my career, instilling in me the virtues of self-confidence, self-belief, embracing change, and taking calculated risks.

As I joined the dots, reflecting back 16+ years later, I recognised my learnings and embraced the actions I had taken, from


    Making myself and the value I bring to the table known to those that matter

    Letting go of the beliefs and stories that were no longer serving me to develop a winning attitude and mindset

    And cultivating a strong reputation and forging authentic relationships within the business and with clients,


Which enabled me to both enjoy and excel in my Corporate Finance and subsequent Sales Executive roles in the tech industry.

This period marked immense personal and professional growth, characterized by facing challenges head on, embracing new unexpected opportunities, and creating unforgettable memories.

So what else, beyond hard work, is required to advance your career?

The five core areas that I believe will propel you forward in your career, in parallel with your skills, knowledge, experience and hard work, are -


  •     Getting clear on your Brand Identity, who you are and what value you bring to the table
  •     Adopting a winning [growth] Mindset, and letting go of the limitations which hold us back
  •     Developing Executive Presence
  •     Effective Communication at all levels
  •     Cultivating Relationships


Today, as a Leadership & Career Coach, I harness my extensive corporate experience spanning 25 years and nearly a decade of personal growth and development.

These experiences empower me to assist my clients in elevating their careers, securing promotions, gaining well-deserved recognition, and fostering unwavering self-belief. My ultimate aim is to enable them to emerge as unapologetic leaders in their careers and lives.



A glimpse into my personal journey from Finance & Sales Professional to Leadership & Career Coach.

December 2023 marked FIVE years since I embarked on my current journey.

Pursuing my passion of Coaching career professionals, on a full-time basis.

Having taken the difficult decision to walk away from a successful 25-year corporate career Across Finance and Sales, mainly in the Tech Industry with 16 years spent at Hewlett Packard Enterprise & Electronic Data Systems, a career that I thoroughly enjoyed...

Opportunities to learn, to grow, to be challenged, and to realise what I am truly capable of

And best of all, to create an incredible network of life-long friends and associates!


I wanted more… I wanted to encourage and empower others to step into their power.

To realise what is possible for them

To play a bigger game.

And I am so proud of my clients.

From mid-career to Board level.

Those who have trusted in me to serve them over the last few years.

With the realisation that their investment in coaching has been an absolute game-changer.

And who have elevated both their career, their long-term vision and their life!

Don't get me wrong I am not saying the last 5 years have been a walk in the park

Far from that in fact It has had its highs, lows, challenges, tears, frustrations, even the occasional regret.

And then I look at the growth, the incredible new insights, the massive shifts, the accomplishments🏆 Of my clients💎

And this brings me back to My Why, My Purpose🗝️ And why I do what I do👌🏽


Leadership Launchpad

Join the Leadership Launchpad, an Exclusive online and App-based Vault of self-paced training videos and workbooks, live Q&A sessions and a private online community of like minded individuals on a similar journey, giving you a competive advantage over others in your industry when in comes to advancing your career.

Click here to learn more

Career Growth Game-Plan

Schedule a free 30-minute
“Career Growth Game-Plan” Call with me.

Together, we’ll review your Brand Assessment and discuss how we can potentially work together to elevate your career to the level you aspire to reach.


Click here to book a call

*The investment to work with me starts at £27 per month, up to £15,000 for personal one-to-one coaching