Unlocking Your Best Year Yet: How to Finish 2024 Strong!

career growth reflections

Where has the time gone? October has arrived, and we’re suddenly in the last quarter of the year. It feels like only yesterday we were welcoming 2024, and now, here we are, hurtling towards the festive season, with Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas just around the corner.

But before you put your goals on the shelf, I want to challenge you: Have you set your intentions for these final three months?

Have you set your intentions for these final three months?

It’s tempting to treat the end of the year as a time for winding down, socialising, and preparing for the holidays.

But the truth is, there’s still plenty of time to make meaningful progress in your life and career before we hit the new year. You don’t have to wait until January 1st to reset.

Instead, what if you started now?

🔵Shifting from Survival Mode to Intentional Action

It’s easy to feel like you’re on a hamster wheel, spinning through the motions, telling yourself you’ll focus on your goals next year. But why wait?

What if, by the time 2025 rolls around, you’re already a few steps ahead of where you would have been had you not taken action today?

So here’s my invitation to you:

Choose one area of your life—just one—and focus on making a change before the year ends. It could be anything from your health to your career, relationships, financial security, or personal development.

🔵What’s the one area where you want to create a different experience?

You don’t need to take massive leaps overnight. Let’s keep it simple. Identify that one area, and I’ll guide you through some questions to get you thinking and moving towards positive change.

🔵The Power of Reflection: Key Questions to Unlock Your Potential

To create change, you need to dig deeper into your why. Take a moment to reflect on these questions and jot down your thoughts. They’ll help you get clear on what you really want and how to achieve it:

Key Questions to Unlock Your Potential

➡️How important is it to create change in this area of your life?

For example, if it’s your health, ask yourself how much improving this aspect means to you. On a scale from 1 to 10, how crucial is it for you to prioritise this change?

➡️Why is this a priority for you?

Start with one reason, but dig deeper. What else is driving this desire for change? Keep writing until you’ve uncovered all the underlying motivations.

➡️Who do you need to become to achieve this goal?

What qualities or habits do you need to develop? For example, if it’s health, you might need to become more consistent with exercise or more disciplined with your nutrition. If it’s career-focused, maybe you need to be more visible or assertive at work.

➡️What can you do differently starting today?

Think about your current habits. What small changes could you make? If you usually spend your evenings watching TV, could you dedicate just 30 minutes to a workout or career development activity? Small shifts can lead to big results over time.

➡️What support can you call upon to keep you focused and accountable?

Accountability is key. Who can help you stay on track? It might be a friend, a partner, a coach, or even a colleague. You don’t have to do this alone.

➡️What will it mean for you if nothing changes by January 1st, 2025?

Imagine waking up on January 1st and realising you’re in exactly the same place as today. How will that feel? Sometimes, thinking about the pain of no progress can be the push you need to take action.

➡️How will you feel if you achieve your goal and start 2025 the way you envisioned?

Now flip the script. Picture yourself in January, feeling healthier, more confident, or closer to that promotion. What will that success feel like?

🔵Setting Intentions and Taking Action

Once you’ve reflected on those questions, it’s time to set your intentions. Don’t worry about grand gestures—small, consistent actions are what make a difference.

Set Intentions

Here’s a framework to follow:

💥Monthly Milestones: Break your goal into three smaller milestones—one for each remaining month of the year.

💥Weekly Goals: Set achievable weekly targets that will move you closer to your monthly milestones.

💥Daily Habits: Identify tiny actions you can take every day to build momentum.

For example, if your goal is to improve your health, your monthly milestone might be to exercise three times a week by the end of October. Your weekly goal might be to increase the intensity or duration of your workouts. And your daily habit could be as simple as going for a 10-minute walk every day.

💥Reflection and Adjustment: Weekly Check-ins

At the end of each week, carve out some time to reflect on your progress. What’s working well? What’s not? Celebrate your wins, no matter how small, and don’t be afraid to tweak your plan if something isn’t quite right.

Maybe your goals were too ambitious, or maybe you realised you need more support than you initially thought. That’s okay. Adjust and keep moving forward. The goal is to progress, not perfection.

Accountability and Support: You Don’t Have to Go It Alone

🔵Accountability and Support: You Don’t Have to Go It Alone

Remember, you don’t have to do this in isolation. Whether it’s a trusted friend, a mentor, or a coach, find someone who will hold you accountable and offer encouragement when things get tough. For some, signing up for a program or hiring a coach might be the catalyst for real change.

🔵The Pain of No Change vs. The Power of Progress

One of the most powerful motivators is the thought of what will happen if nothing changes.

Will you be content to look back at 2024 and see it as another year of missed opportunities?

Or will you feel proud of the progress you made, no matter how small?

On the flip side, imagine how energised and motivated you’ll feel come January if you’ve already made strides towards your goals.

This is your chance to finish the year strong and start 2025 with momentum.

Will you feel proud of the progress you made, no matter how small?

🔵Looking Ahead: Q4 as a Springboard for Success

As you know, my partner and I are heading to the Caribbean this month to host our annual retreat, where we’ll be guiding delegates through their vision for the next 12 months. This process is not just for them—it’s for us too. We’ll also be carving out time to reflect on our own lives and businesses, setting our goals for the year ahead.

So as we enter Q4, I invite you to do the same. There’s no need to wait until January to make a change. Start now. Whether it’s your health, your career, or your relationships, take action today to create the life you want.

By the time the new year rolls around, you’ll be well on your way to success.

🔵What One Area Will You Focus On?

I’d love to hear from you. What’s the one area of your life that you’re going to improve upon in these last few months of 2024? Share your focus in the comments below, and let’s keep each other accountable.

What One Area Will You Focus On?

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